Supporting you

We don't want to just 'sell' you a service such as a design or a hosting contract, we want to provide service as well, in the old fashioned sense.

There are many ways we can support you and this depends on your needs. Here's a few examples.

Watching the statistics.
One client has a large site, appx 2000 pages which are very image intensive. Researching the website statistics, it became apparent that people on a well known online auction site were 'using' his images without his permission or knowledge which is a breach of copyright and theft of bandwidth. A minor adjustment to his hosting stopped this happening. Are strange things happening to your website? We can help
Different approach
A small organisation running a social network was looking for options to expand the level of services and 'apps' they provided to their members but with their existing service provider, the costs of expansion were prohibitive. A sector survey showed that there were other options available at a hugely reduced cost with no loss of quality. A new version of their website has been launched and a secondary project to consolidate their web hosting has resulted in a 90% reduction in costs. How can we reduce your costs?
Sometimes a request for help comes from the least expected areas. While having a meal at a local restaurant, we asked the owner about their website and how it benefitted them (Out of genuine interest ). He said that he was having huge difficulties getting it updated, naturally we wanted to help! After negotiation with the existing design and service provider, we were able to redesign the site and provide better hosting. The restaurant now draws customers from a much wider area than previously. Can we help improve your business?
Sometimes the best answer is to do nothing!
We were asked to advise on helping a small business to become e-commerce enabled. We analysed the business and the sector they were in and advised on the various options available. At this time the owner of the business felt that he didn't have the resources to be able to adequately support an effective push into e-commerce where his online competitors were able to offer (at the time) much lower prices.  Do you need clarity on a web related issue?
Is free the best price?
In the charity and not-for-profit sector generous donations of time and effort can get an organisation a presence on the web which is of course a great benefit to them. In many instances these donations are not an open ended commitment. We've advised on finding  cost effective design and hosting for the third sector enabling them to look professional and enhance their image.
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Web hosting, design and consultancy for smaller organisations