Hello world!
All change!
Webmozaic is getting an upgrade. After 10 years of a hand crafted website I’ve concluded that there are better options available and have changed to WordPress which started as a blogging tool but has grown up to a full website design system which with a huge community behind it is an ideal productivity tool.
From my point of view do I want to spend time designing a website or getting the benefit of the website.
What is my objective, the goal – to design a website or the goal of the goal which is to use the website to improve my business.
It’s a bit rough and ready right now but as I install, configure, change and so on, you’ll see that the layout and maybe the look changes from time to time. This is really exciting!
Articles Categories
Tags and keywords
text Articles (1)
Domain names (2)
Everything else (2)
Social media (3)
WP Cumulus Flash tag cloud by Roy Tanck requires Flash Player 9 or better.